West Berkshire Council
Individual services are listed under 'West Berkshire Council' in the business section of The Phone Book for Newbury.
Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD General enquiries - 01635 42400 e-mail: [email protected] Website: Important phone numbers: Streetcare 01635 519080 : abandoned vehicles, recycling, traffic lights, grass cutting, trees, travellers, flooding, blocked drains, street lighting, fly tipping, gritting/snow clearance, highway maintenance, land drainage, parks and open spaces, refuse collection (including bulky waste), street cleaning. Council Tax and Business Rates 01635 519258 Planning Call Centre 01635 519111 Housing and Council Tax Benefits 01635 5192520 Chieveley Parish Council
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month (except August) in either Curridge WI Hall or Chieveley Recreation Centre.
Agendas and the list of Councillors are displayed on the three notice boards in Curridge. An Annual Parish Assembly is held in April. Chairperson - Rob Crispin Clerk - Mrs Kim Lloyd Tel: 07867 31012 or e-mail: [email protected] See also District Councillors![]() Hilary Cole (Cons)
Chieveley Parish Councillor and Ward Member for Chieveley & Cold Ash. e-mail:[email protected] Garth Simpson (Cons) Ward Member for Chieveley & Cold Ash. e-mail:[email protected] |
Member of Parliament
![]() Laura Farris is the Conservative MP for Newbury since 12/12/2019 Helps with local and national issues by mail or appointment. Provides assistance in liaising with local and national governments. Gives advice on problems with NHS, schools, roads, personal issues etc. Represents everyone in the Newbury constituency, regardless of how they voted. Office of Laura Farris MP, Park Street Offices, Park Street, Newbury, RG14 1EA Tel: 01635 551070 House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA, tel: 0207 219 3000 e-mail: [email protected] @Laura__Farris Community Council for Berkshire The Community Council for Berkshire is a voluntary organisation and registered charity that creates and runs cummunity development projects in partnership with other charities, statutory agencies and community groups
For more details visit the website. Tel: 01189 612000 |