Trustees Update, 1 March 2016
Since the last update from the trustees (November 2015), agreement was secured from Chieveley Parish Council for the allocation of a maintenance grant in the 2016‐17 budget for essential upkeep of the Playground. Hilary Cole, District Councillor for Chieveley, was also successful in securing a grant from West Berkshire District Council to further support the project and this has allowed the trustees to include further capital works in our 2016 budget.
The Trustees have now selected a contractor for the first phase of works, to include undergrowth clearance, removal or pruning of a number of trees, and erection of a new fence alongside Curridge Road. This work is expected to commence before Easter, and will result in areas of the playground being closed at certain times as well as traffic management in place on Curridge Road whilst roadside clearance is undertaken.
Once the main open space has been cleared and extended, the ground will be cultivated and re‐seeded in the spring to provide a levelled grass surface suitable for multiple activities, including a marked 5 aside football pitch complete with new goalposts.
It is hoped that the new playing surface will be ready for use by the end of June, and it will be fenced off until the grass is established. Curridge School is fully supportive of the playground development works and has agreed to use alternative outside areas for sports activities during this period.
The trustees are now exploring external funding sources to support further phases of work such as seating, nature and wildlife projects.
Local resident James Pryor was recently co‐opted as a trustee, and the trustees are looking to fill one remaining co‐opted trustee position in the near future.
The Trustees would like to thank all those who have provided their support and assistance to reach this important milestone in the regeneration of the Curridge Playground, and request residents’ patience whilst there is some local disruption during the imminent works.
As the project progresses, further updates will be provided through and .
Since the last update from the trustees (November 2015), agreement was secured from Chieveley Parish Council for the allocation of a maintenance grant in the 2016‐17 budget for essential upkeep of the Playground. Hilary Cole, District Councillor for Chieveley, was also successful in securing a grant from West Berkshire District Council to further support the project and this has allowed the trustees to include further capital works in our 2016 budget.
The Trustees have now selected a contractor for the first phase of works, to include undergrowth clearance, removal or pruning of a number of trees, and erection of a new fence alongside Curridge Road. This work is expected to commence before Easter, and will result in areas of the playground being closed at certain times as well as traffic management in place on Curridge Road whilst roadside clearance is undertaken.
Once the main open space has been cleared and extended, the ground will be cultivated and re‐seeded in the spring to provide a levelled grass surface suitable for multiple activities, including a marked 5 aside football pitch complete with new goalposts.
It is hoped that the new playing surface will be ready for use by the end of June, and it will be fenced off until the grass is established. Curridge School is fully supportive of the playground development works and has agreed to use alternative outside areas for sports activities during this period.
The trustees are now exploring external funding sources to support further phases of work such as seating, nature and wildlife projects.
Local resident James Pryor was recently co‐opted as a trustee, and the trustees are looking to fill one remaining co‐opted trustee position in the near future.
The Trustees would like to thank all those who have provided their support and assistance to reach this important milestone in the regeneration of the Curridge Playground, and request residents’ patience whilst there is some local disruption during the imminent works.
As the project progresses, further updates will be provided through and .