West Berkshire Council is reviewing its Local Plan to cover the period up to 2036. The Local Plan is the plan for the future development of West Berkshire which is drawn up by the Council in consultation with the community and key stakeholders. The purpose of the Local Plan Review will be to assess the future levels of need for new homes (including market, affordable and specialist housing and Gypsy and Traveller accommodation) and employment land and infrastructure provision over that period. Full details of the Local Plan from West Berkshire Council can be found here. Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment helps inform the preparation of the Local Plan review. Link to West Berkshire Council for Chieveley and Curridge plan on the HELAA page can be found here
Last week saw the official launch of the first publicly accessible Automated Emergency Defibrillator (AED) in the village of Curridge, West Berks. Following a two year project by Curridge Residents’ Association, the device was funded by proceeds of the village’s annual summer social event, and made possible by the generous donations of residents and local company sponsors. The project was supported by Chieveley Parish Council, who will take on long term responsibility for the device, and the Upham Pub Company who agreed to site the unit at The Bunk Inn, RG18 9DS. The defibrillator is registered with the South Central Ambulance Service, meaning that in an emergency anyone can call 999 to request the access code to the cabinet where the AED is stored, using the location code AHA122. For more information about accessing public AEDs and instructional videos for their use please see: https://www.scas.nhs.uk/news/campaigns/savealife/ Thatcham Heartstart will be giving a talk on Life Saving and Defibrillators at the next Curridge Residents’ Association meeting on Tuesday 17th March, 8pm at the WI Hall. The event is free to attend, and everyone is welcome. Curridge Residents’ Association is grateful for support in this project from Rob Crispin, Mike Belcher and Tracy Snook (Chieveley Parish Council), Cleone Hilborne (Upham Pub Company), Chris Young & Miglė Račiukaitytė (Management Team at The Bunk Inn), and Nick Young at Thatcham Heartstart. Top: Chris Cholmeley (Chairman, Curridge Residents’ Association) completes the formal handover of the village’s first AED to Mike Belcher (Chairman, Chieveley Parish Council) Below L-R: Chris Young (The Bunk Inn), Chris Cholmeley (Curridge Residents’ Association) & Mike Belcher (Chieveley Parish Council). |
Curridge Village
News & updates from Curridge Archives
March 2024
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