Planning Applications
Several applications since the last Parish Council meeting have been received and at the meeting objections were raised to two applications, one for car storage and one for a site for a 2 pitch caravan site.
Doctors Lane
West Berkshire Council Rights of Way team have visited the byway again to look at the full length of the byway and have agreed that to make the whole byway easily accessible to use all year round that the section we have raised concerns about needs to be addressed and some funding has been made available. Weather permitting, works will commence early in the New Year.
West Berkshire Council Library Consultation
West Berkshire Council are consulting Parish/Town Councils for contributions towards the library service. The suggested contribution for Chieveley Parish is £2,670 per annum. The Parish Council felt this was too much and would represent nearly 10% of the Parish Council precept sought each year. Most people feel they contribute to these services through their Council Tax already.
BT Public Payphone Removals
Two of the payphones in the Parish have been identified for removal, one near the Bunk, Curridge and one at the East Lane/Chieveley High Street junction. Statistics showed the payphones were rarely used. Some local businesses have confirming they would allow a member of the pubic to make an emergency call. The two phone boxes are not heritage red phone boxes so there will not be a request to keep them.
Road Closure Graces Lane
Graces Lane, Chieveley will be closed from School Road to Oxford Road between 5 January 2017 and 3 February 2017 to allow installation of fibre optic cables in the carriageway and multiple connections to premises, it is hoped the work will not take the advertised length of time. Diversions will be in place via Oxford Road, Downed Lane and High Street. Enquires should be addressed to the company carrying out the work, Gigaclear on 07989397217 for the attention of Matt Gleed.
Oxford to Cambridge Expressway Strategy Study
The Oxford to Cambridge Expressway Study has been carried out as set out in the first Roads Investment Strategy (RIS), publicised in December 2014, for a programme of new strategic studies to explore options to address road network challenges. Oxford to Cambridge Expressway Strategic Study
FAQ…of the month
Can a Parish Council enforce the conditions of a planning application?
No; that is the prerogative of the planning authority, West Berkshire Council, to whom the Parish Council may only make representations.
Spotlight…. West Berkshire Council Speed Limit Reviews
Speed Limit Reviews will only be carried out once a year and only Parish Councils or District Councillors will be able to request these. The next speed limit review will take place in October/November 2017 so the Parish Council will need to send in any requests by 1st June 2017 so that all data and reports can be produced prior to the speed limit review.
Next Meeting... Date of the next meeting
Next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 10 January 2017 at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 at 7.30pm.