Planning Applications
Several applications since the last Parish Council meeting have been received. Of note an extension to quarry activities at Copyhold Farm Quarry and equestrian facilities on land south of Randall’s Farm.
Curridge Playground Project
The project works continue and the Curridge Playground Trustees have had a footpath repaired, new fencing erected and maintenance works agreed and scheduled for spring 2017.
Chieveley Parish Annual Assembly
The Parish Assembly this year is on Tuesday 11 April 2017 at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre. Starts at 8pm. Residents of Chieveley, Curridge and Oare are invited to the event to support local speakers and community group displays. Refreshments will be served during the evening. The programme for the evening will be available at the end of March on village noticeboards and village websites, and
Boundary Commission Electoral Review.
The Boundary Commission has opened its consultation inviting proposals for a new pattern of electoral wards for West Berkshire Council. The Commission is minded to recommend to reduce the 52 Ward Councillors to 42 Ward Councillors for West Berkshire Council in future. The Commission invites proposals from West Berkshire Council, Parish Council, interested parties and members of the public on a pattern of electoral wards to accommodate those councillors. The consultation ends 3 April 2017. View interactive maps of the council, draw your own boundaries and have your say at their specialist consultation portal at: Boundary Commission Electoral Review
Annual Internal Audit
The Parish Council have received a good internal audit report for 2016 2017. A copy of the report is available at
Curridge Road between Carbrook and Oaklands
West Berkshire Council Senior Technician has inspected the site and reported that while minimum verge overrun is evident, verge overrun is unfortunately but quite common on rural roads such as this especially where vehicles pass each other. This road is wider than most, good visibility and the height difference between road and field minimal. In West Berkshire Council’s opinion, no engineering measures are currently required.
FAQ…of the month
I have a Council Tax Query, who should I contact?
Council Tax Section, West Berkshire Council Tel: 01635 519520
Email: [email protected]
Spotlight…on Road Maintenance
West Berkshire Council is responsible for maintaining all the adopted roads and footways in the district, except for the M4 Motorway and A34 trunk road Newbury by-pass. If you would like to report a defect on the adopted roads and footways (such as potholes, damaged signs, fallen trees, flooding, blocked drains) you can do so online via Report a Problem on the West Berkshire web site Report a Problem. The method of reporting a problem, e.g. a pothole, has been improved to allow the user to identify the location (of the pothole) on a map, and to comment on the defect, e.g. size and depth of the pothole.
Next Meeting... Date of the next meeting
Next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 11 April 2017 at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 at 7pm followed by the Parish Assembly at 8pm.