Planning Applications
Two planning applications were tabled for consideration including:-
One for a two storey extension, first floor side extension, single storey extension and minor alternations.
One for the replacement of redundant barns with a single dwelling redevelopment of an existing barn to provide garaging.
Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of part single storey and part two storey extension
New Councillor Co-option
Mark McGuire was co opted and welcomed by the Parish Council as a new Councillor for Chieveley Ward.
Emerging Minerals and Waste Planning Policy for West Berkshire Council (WBC)
The West Berkshire Council consultation for the Minerals and Waste Local Plan commenced 1st July 2016 to 5 August 2016. Two sites identified in Chieveley Parish, Chieveley Services and Old Street near Bradley Court. One just across the boundary at Long Lane in Cold Ash Parish. The Parish Council strongly resists having additional sand extraction sites in the Parish and adjoining Parish.
Emerging Minerals and Waste Planning Policy
Reports to West Berkshire Council
The following have been reported to West Berkshire Council to request corrective action.
PROWS overgrown. Bardown to Gidley Lane with overgrown hedges reported. Alleyway behind Sowbury Park near School Road with overgrown vegetation and nettles.
Doctors Lane Byway 26. Concern about the condition of the byway surface was raised earlier in the year and West Berkshire Council Highways Team and the Public Rights of Way team hope to have funding identified shortly to enable them to look at options on how to remedy the poor condition of the surface near Old Street junction.
Housing Site allocation/DPD Examination
The Independent Examination of the West Berkshire Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document commenced on 21 June 2016. Cllr Cole, as District Councillor, was present during the Opening Statements.
Chieveley Parish Council was represented at a public hearing session with the Planning Inspector on 12th July to object to proposed settlement boundary changes south of the village, in particular, Green Lane. West Berkshire Council have accepted that Green Lane is more related to the open countryside than the main settlement and proposes to revert to the original settlement boundary at Green Lane. The Parish Council are pleased with this outcome due to the special characteristics of Green Lane. Land south of School Road was discussed with the Inspector and representation was made by Pro Vision Planning & Design for the HSA DPD settlement boundary to include a site south of School Road. The Parish Council supported West Berkshire Council’s decision not to change the village Settlement Boundary in this location in the HSA DPD document.
Curridge WI
The Curridge WI have written to the Chief Executive at West Berkshire Council to remind them of the maintenance commitments for the car park adjacent to the Curridge WI Hall and near the Curridge Primary School
Tipping by Junction of Byway 32/34
The West Berkshire Council PROW team have inspected the byways and found there has been some ingress onto the byway with rubble from a local landowner. The owner has been contacted with a request that the rubble and other items be removed.
FAQ…of the month
Question – The road sign has been damaged or disappeared? There is a pothole in the road, who do I report this to? Answer – You can report the problem via the West Berkshire Council’s Website 'Report a Problem' service. You can opt to receive an update on when the works have been carried out through this option. The 'Report a Problem’ service can be used to report overgrown or damaged public rights of way flytipping, damaged road signs, verges that need cutting etc. Alternatively, you can email the customer services team at [email protected] or telephone 01635 519080.
Next Meeting... Date of the next meeting
Next Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 13th September at Curridge W I Hall, Curridge, Berkshire RG18 9DZ at 7.30pm.
Provisional meeting date 9th August at Curridge W I Hall, Curridge, Berkshire RG18 9DZ at 7.30pm