Chieveley Parish Council is currently in the process of reviewing the community Emergency Plan.
The Parish Emergency Plan works in conjunction with West Berkshire Council’s to enable the Parish to have a structured response should ‘a significant major’ incident affect our community while we await the assistance of the Emergency Services and other responders. We are hopeful that this document will never have to be implemented. However, we have to provide an Emergency Plan and issue it to key stakeholders and community groups in the Parish to keep in a safe, accessible place should a major incident cut off electronic communication, power supplies, trunk roads and we have to manage ourselves until the appropriate services can.
It would be great to hear from you if you have professional skills that could be useful in an emergency. E.g. a qualified medical person, first aider/carers, builder, plumber, farmer, electrician, engineer, HGV driver, plant operator, administrator, mechanic or caterer to name a few.
Could you provide or permit access at the time of an emergency any of the following?
Tractor, trailer, 4 x 4 vehicle, JCB, Lorry, chainsaw, safety equipment, lifting gear, cooking equipment, sandbags, pillows, blankets, portable heaters, lanterns, generator, fuel, wood, radio transmitter, utensils or anything else you feel useful for an emergency situation.
Do you feel you personally would need specific assistance during a significant major incident? Please contact us and let us know what your needs will be so we can ensure all our community members as looked out for and supported.
Please fill in the Emergency Plan Form 2019 and return it to the Parish Clerk by email or post as guided on the form. We thank you for your support and look forward to hearing from you. As said before it is hoped it will never be needed but in true scouting words, ‘be prepared’!
Parish Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01635 247507

chieveley_parish_emergency_plan_form_2019.xlsx |