The latest crime statistics can be found by visiting www.police.uk. This website provides you with helpful information about crime and policing in your area. Enter your postcode, town, village or street into the search box, and get instant access to street-level crime maps and data, as well as details of the neighbourhood police team and ‘Have Your Say Events’. The level of crime and anti-social behaviour in the area remains below average compared with the rest of England and Wales. Crime rates in your neighbourhood for the months of April 2012 to February 2013 as opposed to the same period in 2011/12 have remained the same; however burglaries to houses and thefts of vehicles are down over 55%.
The neighbourhood has three priorities; please look at the Thames Valley Police website for details. If you do have some concerns about crime or disorder in the Bucklebury & Downlands neighbourhood please email me at the address below or call me on the non emergency number for Thames Valley Police, 101.
A 28 year old male received a caution for arson following an incident in Ashmore Green during March 2013. 59 year old female has received a caution following a theft in Chapel Row during February 2013.
The mobile police station is coming to a street near you and gives you the chance to meet your local police team and discuss any issues you may have. It will be out and about on the 18th May. Check the Thames Valley Police website for times and locations.
Please make sure you report all crimes and any instances of anti social behaviour to Thames Valley Police so we can deal accordingly. Too often we are receiving calls from your parish councilors of incidents that should be reported to the police and too much time has passed by to be able to deal effectively.