Starting at 8pm
Finishing at 9.30pm
The evening is an opportunity to hear what Chieveley Parish Council have done during the year and to hear news from other speakers.
* Superfast Berkshire Broadband – Fast broadband and why it is important to rural communities
* The Site Allocations and Assessment Development Plan consultation.
Cllr David Cowan will speak about what the process involves and how the Parish Council and local residents can get involved. In the Core Strategy Chieveley is one of the key 'service villages’ likely to have to provide new housing sites in the AONB. West Berkshire Council has now started producing it's 'Site Allocations' plan which will set out how many houses and which sites will be allocated. Developers, landowners and agents are promoting these sites in both Chieveley and Curridge. So the next 12 months will be key to setting out how the villages will change over the next 15 years.
* Chieveley Website – Are you ‘In the Know’?
* Chieveley Recreational Centre news
* Curridge W I. Update on the Curridge W I Refurbishment project
Please support the evening
Programme for the evening will be available on village notice boards and at
Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre,
High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 8TE
Tuesday 9 April 2013 at 8pm