Starting from your normal collection day...
Monday 26 December will be collected on Wednesday 28 December
Tuesday 27 December will be collected on Thursday 29 December
Wednesday 28 December will be collected on Friday 30 December
Thursday 29 December will be collected on Saturday 31 December
Friday 30 December will be collected on Tuesday 3 January
Monday 2 January will be collected on Wednesday 4 January
Tuesday 3 January will be collected on Thursday 5 January
Wednesday 4 January will be collected on Friday 6 January
Thursday 5 January will be collected on Saturday 7 January
Friday 6 January will be collected on Monday 9 January
Monday 9 January will be collected on Tuesday 10 January
Tuesday 10 January will be collected on Wednesday 11 January
Wednesday 11 January will be collected on Thursday 12 January
Thursday 12 January will be collected on Friday 13 January
Friday 13 January will be collected on Saturday 14 January
Collections will be back to normal from Monday 16 January 2017
Excess Rubbish
We will collect up to 3 bags of excess rubbish as part of your first scheduled collection after Christmas Day. Any excess rubbish after your first collection should be taken to Newtown Road Recycling Centre.
Christmas Trees
Real Christmas trees can be left by the side of your green bin or taken to one of the recycling centres. Don't forget to remove decorations, lights and any pots before recycling.