Planning Applications
Two planning applications were tabled for consideration:
- One was for the demolition of a property and the erection of three dwellings for an adjoining Parish
- One was for the replacement of four redundant agricultural buildings with one building.
Salt Bins
The Parish Council received a brief regarding four potential sites identified to locate salt bins. The four sites are Arlington Hill, Church Lane, Curridge Road and the footpath outside the Downland Practice. The sites have been assessed by West Berkshire Council and the salt bins would be for use by the community on public paths, pavements and roads to help clear snow and ice. The Parish Council agreed to consider the matter further once detailed costs are obtained.
Old Kiln Quarry
The Parish Council received an update on discussions between the Principal Minerals and Waste Planning Officer at West Berkshire Council and Grundon regarding the completion of re-instatement and restoration works at Old Kiln Quarry. It was noted that the replacement of soils, which makes up the bulk of the outstanding works, is a weather dependant operation as the soils being placed need to be dry when they are placed to ensure that the soil profile is not damaged by the re-instatement operations. West Berkshire Council is keeping the site and its restoration under review and will update the Parish Council on progress.
The West Berkshire Heritage Forum
The Parish Council received an update on the West Berkshire Heritage Forum. The Forum is a partnership established to recognise, promote and protect the heritage of West Berkshire. Further information about the Forum and its objectives can be found on the West Berkshire Council web site.
Spotlight… on the Chieveley, Oare and Curridge Parish Plan
The Parish Plan, produced by the Parish Plan Steering Committee (PPSC) and many other volunteers, and supported by the Parish Council and West Berkshire Council, is used by local and central government to influence future policies affecting the community. You can download a copy of the Plan (in pdf format) via the following link Parish Plan.
FAQ…of the month
Question – How do I know an application will be considered by the Parish Council?
Answer – Planning applications that will be considered at a forthcoming Parish Council meeting will be included on a planning schedule and displayed in the Parish Council notice board 3 clear working days before the meeting along with the Agenda. At the meeting the Parish Council, as one of the consultees in the planning process, will provide either a no objection or an objection decision and provide local information needed to be considered by the Planning Officer. The feedback is returned to West Berkshire Council, the local planning authority
Next Meeting...
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on 9th July 2013 at the Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, Chieveley, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 8TE.