Snapshot…of the Parish Council meeting on 14th May 2013.
Annual Meeting
This being the Annual Meeting of the Chieveley Parish Council, the Agenda included items for the election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for the year and for the appointment of Councillors to committees, working groups and outside bodies.
Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman: Rob Crispin was elected Chairman and David Cowan as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for the year. Photographs and profiles of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Councillors can be viewed on the Parish Council web site via
Appointment of Councillors to Committees, working groups and outside bodies: the Parish Council made a number of appointments of Councillors to committees, working groups and outside bodies associated with the communities of Chieveley, Curridge, Oare and part of Snelsmore. Appointments were made for the Parish Plan Action Group; the Recreational Centre and Parish Council Liaison Group; the Downland Patient Forum; the Newbury Showground Residents’ Group; the Public Rights of Way Group; the Public Relations/Press Release and Website Group; the Emergency Planning Group and the Site Allocations Development and Delivery Plan Group. It was agreed that the Code of Conduct Committee would be convened, if required, with any three Councillors.
Planning Applications
Eight planning applications were tabled for consideration:
- One was for a mobile home
- One was for an agricultural barn
- One was for a building for agricultural and equine use
- Two related to the demolition and alteration of outbuildings to form a one bedroom self-contained unit
- One was for the removal or variation of condition 3 of an approved application at Chieveley Motorway Services
- One was for two new columns with flood lights and the replacement of flood lights at Chieveley Recreational Ground
- One was for the storage of hazardous substances at Red Shute Mill.
Spotlight…on Grants for 2013/14
At the start of each financial year the Parish Council considers requests for grants and donations from clubs and groups in the community. Whilst the funds available for allocation each year are limited, they provide an important contribution to the overall costs of the schemes proposed. The grants and donations approved for the new financial year cover contributions toward: ground maintenance and children’s playground facilities for Chieveley Recreational Centre; hall rental costs for Chieveley Toddler Group; operating costs for the Curridge Residents Association; churchyard maintenance for St Mary the Virgin Church, Chieveley; and planter maintenance undertaken by Chieveley Gardening Club.
FAQ…of the month
Question – Where can I find out more information about progress of the Superfast Berkshire Project?
Answer – Information about the Superfast Berkshire Project - which aims to provide superfast broadband to 90% of residential and business premises across the county and standard broadband to the remaining 10% by 2015 - can be found via
Next Meeting...
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on 11th June 2013 at the Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, Chieveley, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 8TE.