Snapshot…of the Parish Council meeting on 11th February 2014.
Planning Applications
One planning application, for a single storey side/rear extension, was tabled for consideration. Further information about Planning Applications can be found on the Planning Advice section of the West Berkshire Council website.
Chieveley Parish Public Meeting
Over 130 members of the public attended a meeting on 1st February held at Chieveley Village Hall and Recreational Centre to discuss the possible housing sites identified in West Berkshire Council’s housing land assessment (the SHLAA). The format of the meeting included time for members of the public to view the SHLAA plans; receive a short presentation on West Berkshire Council’s Site Allocations and Delivery Development Plan; and participate in an open forum (comments and questions) session.
A copy of the slides used in the presentation can be downloaded via housing presentation. Slide 2 of the presentation outlines the objectives of the public meeting which were: for the Parish Council to hear local views to guide input to West Berkshire Council; to inform local residents of housing site allocations process now underway; to keep people informed as process continues; and to provide a focal point for evidence about local needs and aspirations. Information about the community views about possible housing sites for Chieveley is provided in more detail in the Spotlight section below.
Bus Service 76
The Parish Council received an update note regarding bus service 76 from West Berkshire Council. In the note it was stated that the final recommendation for the 76 Service will be considered by the Executive on 13 February and that, whilst the resulting bus service may not be exactly the same as at present, the recommendation will be that the service is retained in one form or another with the aim of reducing costs through improved route efficiencies and partnership working.
Key documentation
The Parish Council reviewed updated versions of the Record Management and Data Security Policy, and the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The documents, subject to a suggested change regarding obtaining quotes for works, were approved and will be made available via the Parish Council pages on in due course.
Curridge Playground Trust Land
The Parish Council discussed the land which is held in trust for the community. It was noted that should the community wish to improve and enhance the land then public open space developer contribution funding could be considered and/or applications made to a number of possible grant schemes.
Spotlight… on community views about possible housing sites for Chieveley
An initial snapshot of the results from the ‘We need your views about possible housing sites for Chieveley’ Questionnaire was presented to the Parish Council. It was noted that 125 questionnaires were returned of which 117 were from residents of Chieveley and 8 were from residents of Oare. Initial results indicate: that of the possible sites included in the Local Plan, around 70 questionnaires responded that Bardown (CHI021) should be included; around 69% of questionnaires responded that the number of houses that should be allocated to the next Local Plan period should be less than the previous 15-20 years; the impact on local traffic, views and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and preserving open spaces are important issues for selecting new housing sites.
Whilst further work is required to finalise the results and to analyse the ‘free text’ comments provided by residents in the questionnaire, and via letters and emails, the Parish Council is keen to provide residents with an early and initial snapshot of their feedback and this can be downloaded via (insert link when available). Further information, in the form of a report, will be made available in due course.
FAQ…of the month
Question – There is a pothole in the road, who do I report this to?
Answer – Please report the matter to West Berkshire Council using their Report A Problem service.
Next Meeting...
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on 11th March 2014 at the Curridge WI Hall, Curridge, Berkshire, RG18 9DZ.