Planning Applications
Several applications since the last Parish Council meeting have been received and at the meeting no objections were raised.
Parish Council Precept and Budget for 2017/2018
Each year Parish Councils consider their forthcoming year commitments and budgets and from this consideration the precept request is made. After discussion Chieveley Parish Council agreed its budget and an increase in the precept request to West Berkshire Council from £31,790 to £31,810. This represents a Band D household equivalent of £28.17 per household per annum, 2p increase over last year.
Speed Indicator Device (SID)
Chieveley Parish Council can operate SID within its Parish to inform drivers of the speed that they are travelling. This has a positive effect as SID can be used to reduce traffic speeds at locations where the community have concerns. Data captured by SID may support requests for a Speed Limit Review for a location to West Berkshire Council. For SID to be used in the Parish community operators need training on how to use the equipment. A Parish Council must nominate the person wishing to be trained. Training takes approximately 2 hours at West Berkshire Council offices, normally in an evening. For SID to visit our villages regularly we seek more trained operatives. If interested, please contact the parish clerk by email at [email protected].
West Berkshire Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) - Call for Sites
West Berkshire Council needs to maintain an up to date picture of the amount of land that is available for new development, including land for housing and economic development. West Berkshire Council are now inviting landowners, developers and others to submit potential development sites for consideration as part of our Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). The HELAA will not make recommendations on which sites should be developed but will make a preliminary assessment of their suitability and potential. The information gathered from this process will help inform the next Local Plan which will allocate sites for housing, employment and other land uses to cover the period up to 2036. The period for submission of sites is 23 December 2016 to 31 March 2017. HELAA Call for Sites
Curridge Road
The safety of Curridge Road near Oaklands remains a concern due to different levels between the highway and a field since a hedgerow was removed. These concerns have been raised with West Berkshire Council. Mud on the Curridge Road near Vine Cottage is causing safety concerns also and the property owner and Parish Council representative are in discussion on how to improve this.
FAQ…of the month
Do Parish Councillor’s get paid?
It is possible for parish councillors to be paid a modest allowance (except for coopted members) and they can also receive reimbursement of expenses (except for coopted members). However, most councils do not pay any allowance to ordinary councillors, and it is common for councillors to make no claims for expenses.
Spotlight…. West Berkshire Council Speed Limit Reviews
Speed Limit Reviews will only be carried out once a year and only Parish Councils or District Councillors will be able to request these. The next speed limit review will take place in October/November 2017 so the Parish Council will need to send in any requests by 1st June 2017 so that all data and reports can be produced prior to the speed limit review.
Next Meeting... Date of the next meeting
Next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 14 February 2017 at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 at 7.30pm.