Planning Applications
Six planning applications were tabled for consideration:
- One was for the demolition of existing extensions and the erection of a two-storey extension to the front side and rear of the property
- One was for the extension to the Chieveley Village Hall and Recreational Centre for pre-school facilities
- One (a retrospective application) was for the installation of a boarded boundary fence
- One was for a two-storey side extension and single storey rear extension
- One was for a single-storey rear extension and conversion of an existing conservatory
- One was for the conversion of 50% of a garage to ancillary accommodation.
Site Allocations and Delivery Plan
The Parish Council received an update from the Working Group regarding progress and the status of eliciting evidence of local needs through a questionnaire and meetings with local services in Chieveley. The next meeting of the Working Group is scheduled for 15th July 2014.
Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment Consultation
The Parish Council has been notified that West Berkshire Council has commissioned Opinion Research Services (ORS) to ascertain the views, in confidence, of stakeholders (such as Parish Councils) regarding the accommodation needs of travellers in their area. The views of Parish Councils are to be gathered via a questionnaire, with responses remaining confidential to ORS. The questionnaires complement a number of detailed face-to-face surveys being carried out on existing traveller sites. From the responses to the consultation ORS will produce a robust and objective assessment which will establish what level of genuine need for Traveller accommodation exists within West Berkshire for the period up to 2027. Further information can be found via Needs Assessment.
Freight Route Consultation
The Parish Council discussed and agreed actions to complete a questionnaire received from the Transport Policy Team at West Berkshire Council in relation to the Local Transport Plan Freight Strategy Consultation. The Freight Strategy outlines the role of West Berkshire Council in relation to Freight, as well as providing further details on how the Local Transport Plan and the policies set out within in it will be implemented.
Old Kiln Quarry
The Parish Council received update information about the site and agreed to write to West Berkshire Council requesting that the actions needed to complete the removal of services from the site be expedited.
Spotlight… Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)
Members of the community are reminded that a Housing Site Allocations DPD is now being by West Berkshire Council which will allocate sites for housing to meet the remainder of the 10,500 housing requirement from the adopted Core Strategy. Consultation on a ‘preferred options’ version of the DPD is scheduled to begin on 25 July 2014 for a 7 week period, and will include details of short listed sites for housing. The DPD is due to be adopted in December 2015, and more information can be found via West Berkshire Council’s Local Plan newsletter.
FAQ…of the month
Question – I’ve noticed that a road sign has been damaged or is missing. Who do I report this to?
Answer – Please report he matter to by email to the Streetcare Team at West Berkshire Council at [email protected] or by telephone on 01635 519080.
Next Meeting...
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on 9th September 2014 at the Chieveley Village Hall and Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire, RG20 8TE.
Note: Full meetings of the Parish Council do not normally take place in August. However, the Parish Council may meet for a Planning Meeting at 7.30pm on 5th August 2014 at the Curridge WI Hall, Curridge, Berkshire, RG18 9DZ, should this be required.