Planning Applications
Different and varied applications since the last Parish Council meeting have been received and at the meeting no objections were confirmed. An appeal for two dwellings in Curridge has been dismissed by the Planning Inspector.
Doctors Lane and Old Street
The Parish Council representatives have met with members of the Highways and Public Right of Way teams to see if solutions can be found to flooding during heavy rain in Old Street and the poor surface condition of the byway, known locally as Doctors Lane. West Berkshire Council’s budget for public rights of way has been subject to huge cuts over the last 3 years and funding is needed. Fund raising options are being considered including approaching Hermitage Parish Council and Denison Barracks to seek contributions or support. West Berkshire Council can carry out some minor highway improvements and clean out the ditch in this location which hopefully will go some way to alleviating the flooding and water sitting near the entrance to Old Street.
Hedgerow in Curridge Road
A large section of an old established hedgerow has been grubbed out by a local landowner between Carbrook Corner and Oaklands. Great concern has been expressed that such an old established hedgerow can just be removed without proper planning and the appropriate bodies being advised. West Berkshire Council are contacting the landowner to establish if they plan to carry out a replanting scheme with similar diverse hedgerow species and to provide Countryside Hedgerow Regulation information.
Curridge Playground Project
The project is progressing well. The Trustees of Curridge Playground have been very successful in raising funds to help towards future planned improvements. Trustees are hopeful that the local school will help with the pitch mowing and line marking. The children of the village, members of the community and visitors to the area now have a lovely facility to enjoy.
A34 Safety
The Parish was represented at meetings recently held to discuss safety concerns on the A34 between Chieveley and M40. As the A34 travels through a number of Parishes, Parish Councils have held a couple of meetings to ascertain the local communities needs and to provide local knowledge and support to the A34 Action Group for consideration.
Parking Scheme in Chieveley High Street
A West Berkshire Council parking scheme will be in Chieveley High Street shortly. The restrictions will be applied between School Road and Thorpe House and from Hazeley House to the Village Shop. The restrictions require a parking permit or a 2-hour parking limited will apply. This will help deter all day parking in this section. The church and village shop were consulted as were neighbours and affected parties. To limit the number of poles displaying the restriction information approaches were made to local residents with properties along this stretch of the High Street and two householders have agreed to have notices fixed to their walls. Only one new post and restriction notice will be required. A parking scheme outside Curridge School, Curridge Road was also approved by West Berkshire Council and will be implemented shortly.
FAQ…of the month
Most months we have a spotlight FAQ which we provide an answer to. This month we would like to use this section of the latest news to ask residents of Chieveley Parish what they would like covered under FAQ’s as we are planning to create a FAQ’s section on the Parish Council webpage in the new year.
Question – What would the residents of Chieveley Parish like to see included under FAQ’s?
Please email questions you feel would be of interest to the community to the Parish Clerk [email protected]. Thank you.
Spotlight…. A reminder that Small Grant Applications need to be with the Parish Clerk by 31th October 2016.
Next Meeting... Date of the next meeting
Next Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 8 November 2016 at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 8TE at 7.30pm.