Planning Applications
One Planning Application tabled for consideration: -
Erection of a free range egg laying unit (adjoining Parish consultation)
Parish Council Meeting Dates 2017
Meeting dates were agreed for 2017 and these dates can be viewed on the village website.
Noticeboard Replacement near The Bunk
A replacement new noticeboard has been installed in Curridge near to The Bunk during September and will display Parish Council notices and information for the community to view.
West Berkshire Council’s Minerals and Waste DPC Consultation
During the summer Chieveley Parish Council provided consultation responses to three proposed sites, 60 Acre Field, Old Street; Land behind Chieveley Services (adjacent to the Old Kiln Quarry site); and for an adjoining Parish site Long Lane, Cold Ash. The responses have been acknowledged and processed by West Berkshire Council. Information about this consultation and the stages to be followed in identifying sites is available using this link at West Berkshire Council Minerals & Waste Consultation
Small Grants 2017
Small Grants information and an application form are now available on the village website. Deadline for applications for the forthcoming year is 31 October 2016.
Doctors Lane
A resident of Hermitage attended the meeting to outline his concerns regarding Doctors Lane and its very poor surface condition. The surface condition needs to be improved to encourage walking as it is part of a circular route and the lane is of historical interest. The Parish Council are also concerned about the flooding at the entrance to Old Street, Oare. The Clerk has been chasing West Berkshire Council to arrange a meeting with the Principal Highways Engineer and a member of the Pubic Rights of Way Team to look at both problems in the locality. There has been a delay for a meeting as the Principal Engineer has been working on the Winter Service Plan but hopes to look at Doctors Lane during October.
Children’s Playground at Chieveley Recreational Centre
The children’s play area at Chieveley had weeds and thistles growing in the area children played. Theis Assistant Parish Clerk reported this to the Recreational Centre and it has been subsequently cleared.
Caravans at Snelsmore Farm
Caravans are currently on site. Concern has been raised due to number of caravans which are visible from the road.
Community Champion 2016
Do you know a community person who you would like to be considered for Community Champion 2016? West Berkshire Council has launched the Community Champion Awards 2016. This is an exciting opportunity to nominate an individual or group you feel deserves recognition for their work in the community. Nominees must live within the District of West Berkshire and should be nominated in one of the following categories:
Community Group of the Year Award, The Pat Eastop MBE Junior Citizen of the Year Award (nominees must be 18 or under), Lifetime Achievement Award, Volunteer of the Year Award.
Nomination forms and more information can be found at
FAQ…of the month
Question – What does the Parish Council do?
Answer – The Parish Council works closely with West Berkshire District Council providing services for the villages of Chieveley, Curridge and Oare. The Parish Council receives a precept collected by West Berkshire District Council and is responsible for consulting and feeding village opinion to higher levels on such matters as planning applications, West Berkshire Council strategies and other government documentation. Meetings of the council are public.
Small Grants Applications to be made to Chieveley Parish Council by 31th October 2016.
Next Meeting... Date of the next meeting
Next Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 11th October at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 8TE at 7.30pm.