Planning Applications
Consideration was given to one application at the meeting. Further information about Planning Applications can be found on the Planning advice section of the West Berkshire Council website.
From April 2018 West Berkshire Council will no longer provide paper copies of planning applications to Parish Councils as part of their cost saving initiatives. Hard copies will no longer be present at the Parish Council meetings. Members of the public are strongly advised to look at the planning schedule issued with the Parish Council agendas and view them at West Berkshire Council Planning Portal and respond directly to West Berkshire Council on applications of interest. Parish Councillors, having viewed the planning applications on line will confirm their observations on the listed applications at the Parish Council. West Berkshire Council will no longer send planning application notification letters to neighbouring properties to a planning application site and will rely on the local people noting the statutory orange notice outside the premises and responding to the planning authority, West Berkshire Council.
MUGA Maintenance Agreement
A review of the agreement has been carried out by the Parish Council and Chieveley Village Hall Committee for the future maintenance for the MUGA.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The Parish Council discussed the NALC legal briefing for the Data Protection Officer (DPO) for a Parish Council and the Clerk/RFO Role. Based on the drafting of the GDPR it is NALCs view that most clerks and RFO’s cannot be designated as a Parish Council’s DPO. On this advice the Parish Council have agreed to make a small provision to engage an independent DPO for Chieveley Parish Council in the budget for 2018/2019 and will find out if an external DPO can be retained by a number of small West Berkshire Parish Councils.
Budget and Precept Discussion for 2018/2019
The Parish Council discussed and agreed the 2018/19 precept request and budget. The annual charge forecasted for a Band D property is £29.69, £1.53 per annum increase from last year.
Due to devolution of services Chieveley Parish Council now contribute to an upgrade to primary route salting for specific roads in the Parish and keeping the four salt bins stocked. West Berkshire Council are trying to make Parish Councils meet some of their shortfall in services and associated costs due to their swingeing budget cuts.
Spotlight - West Berkshire Council Consultations
West Berkshire Council School Term Dates 2019/20
Closing date 16/2/18
Admission Arrangements 2019/20 for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools
Closing date: 31/1/18
FAQ…of the month
Question – What is the Parish Council's role in planning applications?
Answer – The Parish Council is a "statutory consultee". That means that the local planning authority, West Berkshire Council, must consult the Parish Council on planning applications within the parish. The District Council is obliged to consider the comments made by the Parish Council, but it is not obliged to determine the application in accordance with those views.
The published agendas for Parish Council meetings will show any planning applications subject to formal consultation with the Parish Council.
Next Meeting... Next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 13 February 2018 at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 8TE at 7.30pm.