Planning Applications
Six planning applications were tabled for consideration including:-
- One for section 73 variation of condition 2 – approved plans of 14/01410/House (demolish existing garage and replace with single story side extension with garage and additional bedroom accommodation) Adjoining Parish.
- One for section 73 variation of condition 2 – the extraction of minerals from the land identified as the proposed south east extension area on the approved phasing referent plan.
- One for the proposed detached dwelling. Adjoining Parish
- One for erection of a home office in the garden of the vicarage.
- One for 2 no single storey extensions and first floor extension. New windows and door.
- One for the demolition of existing dilapidated and disused warehouse unit and construction of a new warehouse of 6000sq ft with ancillary office of 2000 over two floors. Adjoining Parish.
Curridge Playground
The Clerk to the Curridge Playground Trustees attended the meeting to request funding support to carry out improvements at the Curridge Playground Charity Land.
Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (HSA DPD). To receive an update on the publication of the West Berkshire Council second draft HSA DPD for consultation.
The meeting was provided with a preliminary overview of the main points in the new submission. The consultation period commenced on 9th November and will conclude on 21st December 2015. There are no allocated sites in Chieveley. However West Berkshire Council have redrawn the settlement boundary of Chieveley village. Of note:-
Boundary altered to include development along track off Morphetts Lane (includes CHI016); Boundary altered to remove former Bardown Site to west of Chieveley as planning permission has lapsed; Boundary altered to include site CHI0010 Coombe Cottage and boundary altered to south of Chieveley village at Green Lane to follow curtilage of dwellings which includes sites CHI017 and CHO001. Other settlement boundary review amendments are also listed and shown in the West Berkshire Council submission document. The map is available on the village website with links to the West Berkshire Council website to the consultation documents and information.
Within the settlement boundary development would still be acceptable in principle but would need to meet other policies for development in the countryside.
It is not clear if the Curridge settlement boundary remains. A table in the draft submission document listing the settlements where Policy C1 applies is included in the submission document but there are a few areas that have had settlement boundaries, including Upper Bucklebury and Curridge, which are not listed there.
Speed Awareness and Road Safety Group
The Speed Awareness and Road Safety Group borrowed SID (Speed Indicator Device) on 20th October for a period of one week. SID was deployed in 15 different locations throughout the Parish. A meeting of the SARS group will be arranged to prepare a plan of action based on the results from SID.
Oare Pond
One Contractor was selected to action the Environment Improvement and Annual Maintenance at Oare Pond.
West Berkshire Council Budget Consultations- Have your say on their Budget Proposals for 2016/17
The consultation runs until 14th December 2015. Some proposals will affect our Parish which includes the proposed removal of salt bins in the village. Take part in the consultation
Curridge Road Barrier Damage
Having recently had the Curridge Road barrier repaired it has been damaged again. This has been reported to West Berkshire Council.
Next Meeting... Date of the next meeting
Next Parish Council meeting on 8th December 2015 at The Club Room, Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 8RJ starting at 7.30pm