Planning Applications: six planning applications were considered:
- One was for change of use to include a skip waste recycling facility at Red Shute Hill, Cold Ash
- One was for the erection of 4 houses in Chapel Lane, Curridge
- One was for change of use of land for garden cartilage/vehicle manoeuvring space
- One was for the removal or variation to S73 Condition 10, relating to a Unit at Curridge Farm and Business Park
- One was for the demolition of existing cottages and erection of a single family dwelling
- One was for the erection of a barn in association with a garden centre
Further information about Planning Applications can be found on the Planning Advice section of the West Berkshire Council website http://www.westberks.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=15199.
Community Speed Watch: the Community Speed Watch is a traffic monitoring scheme co-ordinated by the Police, Parish Councils and Parish Plan teams. The aim is to help local people address speeding problems in their Community. The Parish Council considered the merits and use of a Speed Detection Radar which could be purchased and used by trained community people. A shared ownership and use option was noted, and it was agreed to make contact with Cold Ash, Hermitage, Beedon, and Hampstead Norris to consider the idea further
· Freedom of Information Document: the Parish Council considered and approved the adoption of updates to the Chieveley Parish Council Freedom of Information Publication Scheme document. The document lists information available from the Parish Council and details how this information can be obtained and at what cost (if applicable). A list of important documents relating to Parish Council activity (including that for Freedom of Information) can be found on the MyChieveley web site via http://www.mychieveley.co.uk/index.php?page=197
· Newbury Showground Heads of Terms: the Parish Council received an update on the decision made by the Western Area Planning Committee on 21 November 2012 in relation to the erection of new building for showing livestock, plus assembly and leisure uses on non-show days, extend internal access road, plus new pond. Details of the Agenda and Minutes of the Planning Committee can be found via http://decisionmaking.westberks.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=155&MId=1873&Ver=4
·Further information: the Agenda can be viewed on the Parish Council website and noticeboards in the Parish. When approved, the minutes of the Parish Council meeting will be published on the website.
Spotlight…on the West Berkshire Heritage Forum * The West Berkshire Heritage Forum is a partnership established to recognise, promote and protect the heritage of West Berkshire. The aim of the Forum is to encourage heritage and history groups to come together and share activities, events and experience. The Committee meets regularly through the year, and there is an Annual General Meeting in April, and a second annual event which can be an Open Day, talks or seminars, or another group event. Membership is open to any bona fide organisation involved with West Berkshire's heritage, including parish and town councils. Interested individuals may become Associate Members. Membership is free
* Further information about the Forum and its objectives can be found on the West Berkshire Council web site via http://www.westberks.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=22659.
FAQ…of the month
* Question – Who has the final say on a planning application – the Parish Council or West Berkshire Council?
* Answer – The Parish Council does not have the final say on a planning application. They are only one of the consultees. West Berkshire Council is the planning authority and they will make the final decision. Their aim is to ensure that developments in the authority's boundaries are in the right place and of the highest quality.
Next Meeting...
· The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on 8th January 2013 at the Chieveley Village Hall and Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley.