Planning Applications
Demolition of outbuildings and the erection of a single storey retail building, warehouse unit and entrance with an extension to the retail unit, variations of conditions for a quarry to provide a landscaping, planting and aftercare scheme with an extension in time for restoration, an agricultural barn and small extensions were considered at the meeting.
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council: This being the Annual Meeting of the Chieveley Parish Council, the Agenda included items for the election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for the year and for the appointment of Councillors to committees, working groups and outside bodies. Standard Parish Council documents were reviewed. Rob Crispin was elected Chairman and Mike Belcher as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for the year. Photographs and profiles of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Councillors can be viewed on the Parish Council web site via
Appointment of Councillors to Committees, working groups and outside bodies: The Parish Council made a number of appointments of Councillors to committees, working groups and outside bodies associated with the communities of Chieveley, Curridge, Oare and part of Snelsmore. Appointments were made for the Recreational Centre and Parish Council Liaison Group; the Downland Patient Forum; the Newbury Showground Residents’ Group; the Public Rights of Way Group; the Public Relations/Press Release and Website Group; HELAA & Local Plan Group and a representative for the Village Hall Committee agreed. The Speed Awareness and Road Safety Team (SARS) have been renamed and is now knows as the Highways, Traffic and Road Safety Group (HTRS). It was agreed that the Code of Conduct Committee and Parish Plan Review Group would be convened, if required, with any three Councillors.
Data Protection Officer (DPO) and General Data Protection Regulations
The Parish Council agreed to appoint an external DPO. The clerk and a Parish Councillor have attended GDPR training.
Local Council Insurance
This year the Local Council insurance can be extended to cover the Curridge Playground under one policy rather than two separate polices. A 3 year fixed premium has been agreed for best value.
East Lane/Oxford Road
A request has been put to the Newbury Showground to cut back the hedge south of East Lane junction to improve visibility.
Drains & Gullies
A number of drains have been reported to West Berkshire Council for clearing. Chieveley High Street, Downend Lane and the drainage near the pump station at the end of Green Lane.
FAQ…of the month
Question – If I encounter a problem with a road (e.g. a pot hole or footway), or with the countryside and the environment (e.g. a public right of way) in the Parish, who do I report this to?
Answer – Please report the matter to West Berkshire Council using their Report A Problem service.
Spotlight…on Grants for 2018/19
At the start of each financial year the Parish Council considers requests for grants and donations from clubs and groups in the community. Whilst the funds available for allocation each year are limited, they provide an important contribution to the overall costs of the schemes proposed.
The grants and donations approved for the new financial year cover contributions toward: playing field ground maintenance for Chieveley Recreational Centre; operating costs for the Curridge Residents’ Association; memorial and churchyard maintenance for St Mary the Virgin Church, Chieveley; planter maintenance undertaken by Chieveley Gardening Club, playground maintenance for the Curridge Playground Charity, contribution towards sport skills sessions for Chieveley Pre School and MUGA maintenance for Chieveley Recreational Centre.
Next Meeting... Next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 12 June 2018 at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chievley, Berkshire RG20 8TE at 7.30pm.
Chieveley Parish Council – latest news
May 2018