Planning Applications
An application for the construction of a new primary school building and boarding house, business centre and audiology clinics, conference rooms and landscaping were considered at the meeting.
Salting routes and snow clearance costs during the winter season 2017 2018.
Last winter experienced unusually poor weather. Going into the winter the Parish Council agreed to have three roads upgraded to primary route status, East Lane, Chieveley High Street through to Oxford Road and Curridge Road. The cost of having these roads upgraded to primary route status have been confirmed by West Berkshire Council. More than anticipated due to the severe winter which required at least 10 more snow clearances, heavier salting regime and salt runs than originally envisaged. The upgraded roads were kept in good order during the bad weather and verbal feedback from members of the community supports that it benefited the community and allowed them to use the public highways safely and access the main highway infrastructure.
Curridge Playground Annual Maintenance Work for 2018/2019
Annual maintenance works requested by the Curridge Playground Trustees were agreed by the Parish Council and the approved contractor, Scofells, will carry out the works. Extra works planned this year include tree stump removals and a small extension to the grass area.
New Council Documents
The Parish Council adopted a new privacy policy, record retention disposal schedule and agreed amendments to the Standing Orders and Records Management and Data Security Policy to incorporate recent legislation changes.
Data Protection Officer (DPO) and General Data Protection Regulations
The Parish Council have a new Data Protection Officer on a consultancy basis through BALC.
Armistice Day/ Remembrance Sunday 2018
Cllr Cole as District Council, suggested ideas on how this day can be commemorated and recognised by the community. Cllr Cole is leading on this initiative with the support of other residents. The Parish Council agreed to offer support.
A number of footpaths including CHIEV38, WINT19/1 and CHIEV19/1 have been reported to West Berkshire Council for vegetation obstruction. If you find a path obstructed please use the ‘Report a Problem’ on West Berkshire Council’s website for attention.
FAQ…of the month
Question– If I encounter a problem with a road, (e.g. a pot hole or footway), visibility at a road junction due to vegetation, dirty highway signs or problems with a right of way in the Parish, who do I report this to?
Answer– Please report the matter to West Berkshire Council using their Report A Problemservice.
Spotlight…Dog Fouling on footpaths and byways in the Parish
Please pick up after your dog if it fouls a public right of way (i.e. footpaths or byway). There are dog bins provided at the end of Bardown, Manor Lane, Chieveley Recreational Centre, Chieveley and Chapel Lane and Crabtree Lane, Curridge. A footpath has a minimum width of 1m and can be up to 1.5 metres for a field edge footpath or across a field. The countryside paths are for everyone to enjoy so please be a responsible dog owner and pick up after your dog if it fouls along a footpath or byway and dispose of the waste in a responsible manner. Thank you.
Next Meeting...Next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 10 July 2018 at the Curridge W I Hall, Curridge, Berkshire RG18 9DZ at 7.30pm.