Snapshot…of the Parish Council meeting on 12 September 2017.
Planning Applications
Consideration was given to one application at the meeting for alterations to a property in the Chieveley conservation area. No objection was raised. Further information about Planning Applications can be found on the Planning advice section of the West Berkshire Council website
New Councillor - A warm welcome was given to the newly elected Parish Councillor for the Curridge Ward, Sandie Allan.
Land south of the M4/A34 junction - The Parish Council are keeping a watching brief on land put forward for employment uses under the West Berkshire Council Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). Chief Executive of Greenham Trust has confirmed that ‘our site was submitted in response to the recent ‘call for sites’ by West Berkshire Council although we have no current proposals in connection with this ownership’.
Annual Return 2016 2017 - has been concluded with no action points to be considered by the Parish Council. A copy of the Annual Return is available on
Parish Council Meeting Dates 2018 - The dates have been approved and available to view at
Local Government Boundary Commission: Electoral Review - Electoral Review of West Berkshire: Draft Recommendations available and can be viewed at Consultation closes 6 November 2017.LGBC proposing a two-member ward, Chieveley & Cold Ash ward comprising the following parishes: Cold Ash, Chieveley, Hermitage and Winterbourne. West Berkshire Council were disappointed with the proposal as it appears a lot of comments and suggestions have been rejected
Chieveley High Street Bus Shelter - The mystery of a connecting section of downpipe going missing continues!
Marsh Lane - Concern has been raised about works carried out in the lane. West Berkshire Council were not aware nor given permission for these works and are investigating.
Counter Terrorism Awareness session - A free event raising awareness of the terrorist threats and counter terrorism measures. This will be held in WBC offices on the afternoon of 10th October 2017. Places can be booked by emailing: [email protected] by 1st October 2017.
Marsh Pond – plans to clear and tidy some of the vegetation has been agreed and will take place this Autumn/Winter. New nesting boxes will be fitted.
Spotlight – Looking for a local person …. who can clean three bus shelters once a month (two in Chieveley and one in Curridge) as there will be a vacancy from October onwards. Own transport needed. If you are interested please contact the Parish Clerk for more information and remuneration details at [email protected].
FAQ…of the month
Question – Are all Parish Councillors Political Party Elected Representatives.
Answer – No. Parish Councillors are not like District Ward Councillors and can be independent of party affiliations. They are unpaid volunteers who represent the local people and aim to make a difference by providing feedback and influencing decisions of other bodies.
Next Meeting... Next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 10 October 2017 at Curridge W I Hall, Curridge, Berkshire RG18 9DZ at 7.30pm.