Have been in touch with SSE. They are sorry Chieveley has been experiencing 'auto recloses' which can happen when a tree or bird touches the overhead power lines. Have outined to SSE that 'auto recloses' have been happening fairly regularly in our Parish for years.
Unfortunately it appears people do not report these mini events to SSE when they experience them. The network covering our area also includes Winterbourne, Brightwalton, East Ilsley, West Isley, Leckhampstead, Peasemore, Curridge and West Thatcham.
To help engineers get an idea which lines are affected it would be helpful if people reported the auto recloses and power cuts every time they happen. Preferably as soon as it happens or as soon after as possible. This can be done by dialing 105 (this number works on landline and mobiles) and speaking with the power cut team who will log the call. The system then has a record of where and when and an engineer will be assigned to come out to assess safety and action.
SSE have also asked the community to look out for any power lines in the area being touched/surrounded by branches and to report these as well using the 105 number.
Can we get this number out to the community and on the village website to encourage people to report the mini powercuts as they happen to help SSE and limit the number of these annoying 'auto recloses'. Hopefully with a flurry of reports when they happen it will help narrow down the overhead power line (s) affected and prompt action.
Best wishes
Tracy SnookChieveley Parish Clerk
01635 247507Office Hours Tuesday & Thursday 9.30am to 4pm