Planning Applications
Seven planning applications were tabled for consideration:
- One for S19 variation of various conditions planning application. 11/01652/LBC. Conversion of refurbishment of former stables into ancillary domestic residential accommodation including removal of the 20th century wood store and new bin store.
- One for change of use of land to Gypsy/Traveller use, to provide 3 pitches with total of 3 mobile homes and 3 day rooms.
- One for a new garage with accommodation over to replace existing garage.
- One for an application for removal of various conditions of planning permission 12/02811/FUL. Demolish existing dwelling and construct new dwelling and car port. One for the timber framed, timber cladded shed with slate roof.
- One for a single storey extension to the kitchen (proposed minor amendment to approved scheme 14/02758/House and 14/02759/LBC2.
- One for Driveway access across public open space to service existing dwelling. Reissued new planning number 15/02222/FUL.
West Berkshire Council’s Home to School Transport Policy Consultation.
West Berkshire Council Executive Committee will be considering the revised draft for September 2016 admissions at a meeting due on 10 September 2015.
East Lane/High Street Junction and Bus Service Safety Audit
A Road Safety Audit has been carried out by an independent traffic management and road safety consultant on the proposed scheme. West Berkshire Council’s response to the audit has been prepared on matters including the position of give way lines at the East Lane junction, carrying out a swept path test, the minimum 1000mm footway depth increase along a limited distance in front of the bus shelter, possible parking measures on the south western corner of the junction and the positioning of a new pole and flat. The proposed response was accepted and the draft layout plan showing the alterations to the bus stop and junction layouts, carriageway markings in the High Street approved.
Vegetation Curridge Road/Arlington Hill
The overgrown gorse bushes and other vegetation obstructing visibility sight lines have been reported to West Berkshire Council.
Groundwater Flooding Consultation
Local Lead Flood Authorities to work together with affected Parish Councils and communities to capture information about the extent of groundwater flooding in their areas. Chieveley and Winterbourne are included. The deadline for comments is 16th October 2015.
Faded safety warning signs for Horse Riders around Curridge village
The faded Horse Riding safety signs have been reported to West Berkshire Council.
Have you considered seeking co-option as a Local Chieveley Ward Parish Councillor
The Parish Council is anxious to progress co-options to fill the two Chieveley Ward vacancies still available. Serving as a Councillor on behalf of your Parish can be both rewarding and give a sense of achievement. In particular the Parish Council seeks expertise in social media.
FAQ…of the month…. Question – When does the Parish Council Meet?
Answer - The Parish Council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month with the exception of August.
Next Meeting...The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th October 2015, 7.30pm at Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 8TE.