Planning Applications
Five planning applications were tabled for consideration:
- One was for the change of use of land north of the M4 on the east side of Hampstead Norreys Road, Hermitage to Gypsy/Traveller use
- One was for the erection of a timber framed and clad single garage
- One was for the demolition of a single storey building and erection of a replacement building at the Hillier Garden Centre, Priors Court Road, Hermitage
- One was for the installation of 2 electric vehicle quick charging points in the main car park area at the Moto motorway services
- One was for the erection of a detached traditional oak frame barn style garage.
Further information about Planning Applications can be found on the Planning Advice section of the West Berkshire Council website.
Curridge Road Flooding Matters
The Parish Council received a report regarding flooding on the Curridge Road and an update on actions being considered to reduce/mitigate further instances of flooding. The Parish Council will continue to monitor progress and implementation of actions by West Berkshire Council.
West Berkshire Council’s Housing in The Countryside Policies: Preferred Options consultation
The Parish Council considered and approved a draft response to the consultation process. West Berkshire Council is currently asking for views on the second part of the Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document which is known as the Housing in the Countryside Policies (Preferred Options). These policies will manage housing development in the countryside of West Berkshire, including the potential to convert or redevelop existing buildings to housing. The consultation will run for a six week period between Friday 19th September and Friday 31st October 2014. For more information on how you can get involved in the consultation process see West Berkshire Council’s consultation web page.
Bus shelter update
The Parish Council received a report on the bus shelter (High Street, Chieveley) project and noted that the roof had been installed on 14th October. The seat will be restored and re-fitted shortly and the shelter then returned to normal use.
Preliminary Budget 2015/16 discussion
The Parish Council commenced early discussions to identify the projects and any funds that may be required for the next financial year. The budget/precept for 2015/16 will be considered at the meetings of the Parish Council in December 2014 and January 2015.
Spotlight… on Superfast Berkshire
Superfast Berkshire “aims to improve broadband speed and coverage across Berkshire in the areas that are not commercially viable to the private sector. It is part of a UK national initiative (led by Broadband Delivery UK) and backed by all six Berkshire unitary authorities and the Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)”. Update information about the roll-out of the programme can be found via News on the Superfast Berkshire web site and members of the community can check on which BT Openreach cabinet they are connected to and its current broadband status by using the BT broadband checker via latest progress.
FAQ…of the month
Question – Who funds the Parish Council?
Answer – The Parish Council receives funding in the form of the precept collected by West Berkshire Council as part of the Council Tax. Each year the Parish Council agrees how much it needs to carry out its duties and to support awards to successful grant applications it has received.
Next Meeting...
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on 11th November 2014 at the Chieveley Village Hall and Recreational Centre, High Street, Chieveley, Berkshire, RG20 8TE.