Snapshot…of the Parish Council meeting on 10th September 2013.
Planning Applications
Three planning applications were tabled for consideration:
- One was to build a new barn over an existing pig building to improve current facilities
- One was for a two storey extension
- One related to an agricultural occupancy condition.
Community Speed Watch SID/Radar Gun
The Parish Council received a brief regarding Community Speed Watch which outlined the background to the project group formed in 2011 to monitor road traffic within the Parish; the current situation regarding funds ring fenced for the purchase of a radar gun; and the next steps and options for consideration. The Parish Council noted that speeding was an issue identified by residents in the Parish Plan and that many would support measures to address the problem. It was agreed that a plan would be created to progress the matter and that more data would be sought to help indicate the scale of the problem and to pinpoint locations of particular concern.
Heritage Forum
The Parish Council gave consideration to a request from the West Berkshire Heritage Forum (the Forum is a partnership established to recognise, promote and protect the heritage of West Berkshire) for a donation. The Parish Council agreed that further information was required to enable a decision to be reached.
Crime in the Parish
The Parish Council received a report regarding criminal activity in the Bucklebury and Downlands neighbourhood – the policing area which includes the Parish. The report recorded that ‘the level of crime and anti-social behaviour in the area remains below average compared with the rest of England and Wales and that the crime rate in Bucklebury and Downlands neighbourhood for the period April to June 2013 inclusive as opposed to the same period in 2012 has reduced by 18%, with burglaries down by 28%’.
Parish Council meeting dates for 2014
Meeting dates for the forthcoming year were approved and will be published on the Parish Council pages of the MyChieveley web site in due course. The Parish Assembly will be held on 8th April 2014 at the Chieveley Village Hall and Recreational Centre.
Spotlight… on Neighbourhood Policing
You can keep up to date with news from the Bucklebury and Downlands Neighbourhood Police Team and find out about forthcoming meetings, crime statistics and how to contact your neighbourhood officers by visiting the Thames Valley Police website at and following the links for Neighbourhood Policing.
FAQ…of the month
Question – If I encounter a problem with a road (e.g. a pot hole or footway), or with the countryside and the environment (e.g. a public right of way) in the Parish, who do I report this to?
Answer – Please report the matter to West Berkshire Council using their Report A Problem service.
Next Meeting...
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on 8th October 2013 at the Chieveley Village Hall & Recreational Centre, Chieveley, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 8TE.