Have you considered standing as a local Parish Councillor?
Parish Council elections are taking place this year on 7th May 2015 as well as the District Council elections.
Serving as a councillor on behalf of your Parish can be both rewarding and give a sense of achievement. Councillors have the opportunity to listen to the concerns of the local people, get involved in the community, have a say about local issues people care about, decide how local money is spent to improve the community, influence changes and protect what the Parish treasures.
If you feel you have some spare time and wish to service your community the councillor role may be a good opportunity to achieve that. Some eligibility criteria may apply.
Other skills which are relevant including listening and decision-making skills, good local knowledge, a willingness to serve the community and to comply with the statutory Code of Conduct.
If you are interested in the role or wish to have an informal chat with a current Councillor please contact the Parish Clerk at [email protected] or telephone 01635 247507.
You are also welcome to approach Chieveley Parish Councillors to ask them about the role and what it entails. Cllr Cole (Chieveley), Cllr Cowan (Chieveley), Cllr Taylor (Chieveley), Cllr Crispin (Curridge), Cllr Belcher (Chieveley), Cllr Ffrench (Curridge) and Cllr Wood (Curridge). Their contact details are displayed on the village notice boards or can be requested from the Parish Clerk.
Nomination papers can be sought from the Parish Clerk at [email protected] or telephone 01635 247507 from 23 March 2015 or the Returning Officer, West Berkshire Council 01635 519463.
Completed Nomination papers are to be returned to the Returning Officer at West Berkshire Council by 4pm, 9th April 2015.